I didn't think this day would ever get here... Bryson is officially walking!!! Bryson now weighs 25 pounds and I weigh...well, lets just say I'm getting huge and I am having a lot of trouble carrying this big boy around. I may be the only mother in America who wanted their child to walk, but I couldn't wait. He is getting more and more brave every day and is now walking from room to room. He is so proud of himself and sometimes starts clapping after walking longer stretches. I have noticed that walking brings many bruises. Yesterday he walked right into the corner of a wall. He now has a big bruise on his forehead. Hopefully people won't think anything about my beat up child! I'm posting a video of him walking yesterday. It's not the best video because every time I try to get him in film, he either falls or starts crawling. But it's still cute and proof that he is finally walking!!
I'm Your Baby Forever
11 years ago