Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, it's been almost a year since I've last updated my blog. I'm really terrible at sitting down to do this, but I really do have a desire to write down what's going on in our lives. I really want to start writing so that I can remember all those milestones that I've never written down before. Bryson inspired me to start tonight with a really sweet milestone.
Tonight when I tucked Bryson into bed, we said our prayers, I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me for the FIRST time unsolicited!! I don't know how many times I've told him "say I love you" and he would just copy me. But tonight he said it himself. It really made my heart happy!

He really is getting to be such a big boy, and he's super active. His new thing this week is walking Tink. We've gone out for the past 3 nights and he loves it. He just walks/runs and laughs. It makes Hannah Claire laugh to see him walking Tink. I feel a little sorry for Tink because she gets jerked around a lot! It kind of makes me like Tink again because she's bringing so much joy to Bryson.

Hannah Claire is also getting so big. She will be 10 months old in a couple of days. She is crawling everywhere. She's also already pulling up on stuff. I think she will be walking soon. She just had her 9 month check up and hasn't gained a lot of weight. The doctor told me to supplement 2 bottles of formula a day and to give her formula with meals. She's been sleeping so well since she's been getting the extra calories. She actually slept for 12 hours last night for the first time! Hopefully she will continue to sleep well. But of course she's running a fever today, so we may be up all night tonight.

Not only are our kids growing and changing, but a lot seems to be going on in mine and Marshall's life. Marshall is trying to finish up the last of his tests so that he can walk in May. He has to take one more test to finish! We are both excited for him to be down and to finally have that degree that he has worked so hard for. On my end, I am planing on going back to work in the fall. I have officially updated my resume and plan to attend a teacher employment fair in April. I have mixed feelings about going back. I truly feel that if it is God's will then He will provide a job and if not then the door will be closed. So we will see.

Also, we have recently bought a house!! Our closing date is May 5. We cannot wait to be out of our little town home. We have WAY out grown this tiny place. I guess it's a little bitter sweet. We have lived here for 6 years. This is where our family started and doubled in size. I will be sad to close this chapter of our lives, but can't wait to have the space that we really need. Here is a photo of our new place.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bryson Walking

I didn't think this day would ever get here... Bryson is officially walking!!! Bryson now weighs 25 pounds and I weigh...well, lets just say I'm getting huge and I am having a lot of trouble carrying this big boy around. I may be the only mother in America who wanted their child to walk, but I couldn't wait. He is getting more and more brave every day and is now walking from room to room. He is so proud of himself and sometimes starts clapping after walking longer stretches. I have noticed that walking brings many bruises. Yesterday he walked right into the corner of a wall. He now has a big bruise on his forehead. Hopefully people won't think anything about my beat up child! I'm posting a video of him walking yesterday. It's not the best video because every time I try to get him in film, he either falls or starts crawling. But it's still cute and proof that he is finally walking!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Day at the Park and Mustache March

Yesterday was one of the first beautiful days of Spring and the McCall's went to Falls Park to enjoy the weather. We let Bryson out of the stroller to walk and play in the grass. He immediately spotted a little girl about his age and started heading toward her. Of course she had food, so I think that was what he was really after. So, what is Mustache March and what does it have to do with a day in the park, you ask? Here's the story: A guy that Marshall works with came up with the brilliant idea of growing mustaches for the month of March. Marshall claims that this is a real thing that men do in March, but I have never noticed an abundance of mustached men in March. So on March 1 Marshall began growing a mustache. I have hated it from the beginning. Yesterday was March 18 and his mustache had fully grown in. I have to admit that I was a little embarrassed to be seen in public with him. Going back to our day in the park...I think he scared off the little girls parents that we met with his mustache! Needless to say Marshall shaved his mustache this morning, thank goodness! I didn't think I could make it 11 more days with a mustache man.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So the last time I posted something on my blog was 7 months ago! I guess I haven't had a lot of interesting news to share. But now Bryson is 1 year old and really is doing and growing so much! He amazes me everyday with how he is changing and showing me how smart he is. He is starting to walk and becoming more brave with every step he takes. He is also starting to communicate (without saying anything) so well. He really understands things I tell him and ask him. I couldn't find his pacifier in his crib and I asked him "Bryson, where is your pacifier"? He pointed behind his crib, and sure enough there it was. Maybe I'm easily amazed by the things he says and does, but I'm loving every minute. Here are a few recent pics and videos of our little guy.

Bryson's First Birthday

Bryson walking

Bryson playing at the mall.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Road Trip

The week before last Bryson and I took a rode trip to Charleston with Allison and Emerson. We had such a great time, but Allison and I quickly learned that it was no vacation with 2 babies. We got to spend a lot of good time with good friends. We had dinner the first night there with the Cutters and Margaret. The next night we had dinner with Kelly Childress. On Wednesday we went to visit Mandy and Harrison. We had a great lunch and then just hung out at Mandy's house. The kids were so cute together!

Bryson liked Harrison's big boy chair.

Bryson also liked Emerson's bouncy seat.

For some reason when Bryson sleeps in his pack-n-play he turns himself sideways during the night. This is the way he woke up every morning. I thought it was funny. He looks so snug.

On the way home from Charleston we stopped by Ashley and Clayton's house in Summerville. We were able to meet sweet Tatum. Here is another cute picture of 3 babies.

Bryson's Dedication

We had Bryson's dedicaiton a couple weeks ago. It was such a sweet ceremony. Matt (the pastor that married us) did the dedication. At the end all of our friends and family gathered around us to pray for our family. It was so amazing to be able to stand before God and our loved ones and dedicate to raise our son in a Godly home, where he will know how much we love God and God loves him! He was so quiet the entire time...until Matt started praying :)

Our family with Nana, Poppy, and cousin Haley (Marshall's parents and his sister's baby).

Bryson with Poppa, Mimi, and Uncle Matt (my parents and brother).

After the dedication we had a get together at my parents house. Here is a picture of the 3 babies. Haley, Bryson and Emerson. They weren't really interested in each other but they sure were cute!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bath time

Bryson smeems to love the water! We have been to the pool several times now and we have bath time every night. When Marshall is home during bath time, he loves to help. Abby always has to be in the middle of whatever we are doing with Bryson. He doesn't seem to mind her though.